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Blender 2.66a Final + Portable

Blender 2.66a Final
Portable от PortableApps

Blender - многоплатформенный графический 3D пакет, распространяемый с открытым исходным кодом. Несмотря на относительно небольшой размер, функций этого пакета вполне достаточно для работы как обычным пользователям, так и профессионалам. Blender включает в себя средства 3D моделирования, анимации, рендеринга, обработки видео, набор опций для создания интерактивных игр, визуальные 3D эффекты и многое другое. Используя эту программу, можно создавать реалистичные 3D картины, с качеством цифровой фотографии.

Blender 2

Возможности программы:

  • Моделирование: большое количество инструментов, включая полигональные, кривые поверхности, сплайны, шрифты,
  • Анимация: скелетная анимация, покадровая анимация, ключевые кадры, интерполяция промежуточных шагов анимации,
  • Предпросмотр: визуализация в реальном времени с помощью OpenGL, включая просчет частиц и столкновений объектов,
  • Визуализация: очень быстрый встроенный рейтрейсер с возможностью затенения поверхностей по методу Lambert, Phong, Oren-nayar, Blinn, Toon.

ОС: Windows XP/Vista/7/8

Что нового в этой версии:

  • Interface
    • Fix #34357: Image editor scope and clip editor track preview did not resize properly with different DPI settings. (r54760)
    • Fix #33466: Alt+MouseWheel changes frame as well as buttons (r54929)
    • Fix UI/DPI: user preferences window size now takes into account DPI, otherwise the buttons don't fit properly. (r54945)
    • Fix soft shadow at top edge incorrectly drawn (r54954)
    • Fix #34418: Screencast could be started twice (r54961)
    • Fix #34509: Panel color were not updated from old files properly (r54996)
    • Allow trackpad and magic mouse swipes to control brush size for circle select. (r55027)
    • Fix (regression) #34391: Window position not saving correctly for next start-up (r54879)
    • Fix #34390: quicktime video codec menu showing blank (r54942)
  • Viewport
    • Fix #34378: GLSL materials using multiple UV layers fail in editmode (r54783)
    • Fix #34347: View3D Mini-Axis drawing in error with overlay (r54789)
    • Fix #34426: Manipulator handles drawn incorrectly by depth (r54923)
    • Fix glitch rotating the camera in camera mode drawing helper-line in random locations (r54928)
  • Animation
    • Fix zoom for graph-editor (and other editors) (r54910)
  • Sequencer
    • Fix #34439: Strip modifier - Mask multiply failure (r54901)
    • Fix #34453: Added RGBA|RGB channels toggle to sequencer preview (r54904)
    • Fix sequencer crash when pasteing strips after creating new file (r54935)
  • Composite/Nodes
    • Fix #34356: Inputs list in file output doesn't appear properly. (r54754)
    • Fix #34359: Crash when using image output node (r54746)
    • Fix #34474: "Record Composite" image op segfaults in compositor code (r54948)
    • Fix #34461: Inconsistent behavior of "Color Mix Node" and "Alpha Over Node" (r54960)
    • Fix #34507: Adding reroute node into invalid links would crash the compositor (r55047)
  • MovieClip/Tracking
    • Fix memory leak when loading multilayer EXR as movie clip (r54934)
    • Fix for incorrect subpixel precision of marker when using track offset (r55028)
  • Render
    • Fix #34351: Displacement map Bake margin does not work (r54748)
    • Fix #34436: Node editor delete texture crash (r54908)
    • Fix #34493: Image Sequence texture didn't allow "Offset" with fcurves. (r55012)
    • Fix #34475: Weird noise bug with Texture nodes (r55021)
    • Fix for texture preview render with show alpha enabled (r55026)
    • Fix image transparency backwards compatibility. Now the texture datablock has a 'Use Alpha' option again. (r55022)
  • Render (Cycles)
    • Fix #34421: viewport render stuck with no objects in the scene. (r54885)
    • Fix #34480: hair render in dupligroup did hide the emitter properly in some cases. (r54959)
  • Modifiers
    • Fix #34358: Shrinkwrap modifier project along normal did not work correctly (r54793)
    • Fix #34369: applying screw modifier turns object to black (r55004)
  • Tools
    • Fix #34384: Border select in UV Image window crashed (r54816)
    • Fix for weight paint using values over 1.0 when blending (r54833)
    • Fix for regression in 'object.shape_key_transfer' operator since BMesh merge (r54834)
    • Fix #34415: Edge slide results in segmentation fault on certain mesh (r54875)
    • Fix #34455: Origin to Center of Mass is missing in menu Object > Transform (r54891)
    • Fix selecting linked faces (r54920 r54921)
    • Fix #34366: mesh.select_mode operator could not be configure the use_extend and use_expand properly. (r54944)
    • fix #34486: Selection of bones in armature edit mode only toggles between two bones (r54969)
    • Fix #34534: Copy/Paste objects hangs (r55051)
    • Fix (regression) #34438: Solidify crease error (r54882)
    • Fix missing select menu for weight, vertex, texture paint modes. (r54883)
    • Fix joining meshes could loose crease/bevel weights (r54899)
    • Fix (regression) #34449: Edge toggline bevel failed (r54900)
  • Sculpt
    • Fix #34370: Collapse-Edges crash in dyntopo (r54827)
    • Fix #34431: Crash when dyntopo enabled and using view plane mode (r54971)
    • Fix #34473: Blender Crashes on toggling modes, dynatopo sculpt/object mode. (r55007)
  • Game Engine
    • Fix projection clipping (r54733)
    • Fix #34349: Character walkDirection ADD mode -#INF error. (r54738)
    • Fix #18967: Enable alpha buffer (useful for TV broadcasting). (r54745)
    • Fix #34353: Ray cast on Triangle mesh bounded Rigid Body Object crashes (r54757)
    • Fix #34219: Webcam support under Linux in Standalone broken (r54764)
    • Fix #34330: Action Actuator "caching" the previous ran actions (r54766 r54767 r54769)
    • Fix error using actions with multiple scenes (r54767)
    • Fix object color channels can now be animated separately without zeroing out the other channels (r54772)
    • Fix error using uninitialized variables for rendering (r54776 r54781)
    • Fix #34377: Game-Engine - Multi UV mesh's materials not backwards compatible (r54780)
    • Fix Game-Engine crashing when on material conversions (r54837)
    • Fix #34440: Motion blur (2d filter) not working in osx (r54912)
    • Fix #34428 #20856 #20281: converting multi-uv layers. (r54972)
    • Fix #34523: 2D-Filter produces render error (r55010)
    • Fix #34517: 2D-Filter causes mouselook script drifting effect (r55011)
  • Rigid Body
    • Fix motion paths calculation being incorrect for rigid bodies (r54799)
    • Allow rigidbody collision groups to be animated (r54818)
    • Fix #34410: Planes with Rigid Body always keep distance to colliding objects (r54855)
    • Fix #34420: Rigid objects not resetting original properly after running a simulation. (r54862)
    • Fix inconsistency with world rebuilding with the start frame (r54990)
  • Text Editor
    • Fix Fix text editor bug: ctrl+F is not configurable (r54878)
    • Fix #54907: freeze when turning on syntax highlight (r54907)
    • Fix crash when overwriting ascii character with multibyte character (r54917)
  • Python
    • Fix Python console bug: "autocomplete" doesn't advance cursor properly when completion includes UTF8 characters r54824)
    • Fix #34423: foreach_get crash for any non existant attribute (r54865 r54866)
    • Fix #34372: mesh.verts.foreach_set not working with normals (r54943)
    • Fix for python exception getting the ID from an operator button (r54835)
  • Other
    • Fix freeing all bakes in particle mode (r54822)
    • Fix file with packed images crashes on load (r54790)
    • Fix image alpha version patch with library linked files (r54794)
    • Fix #34427: Collada export crash with armature (r54856)
    • Fix X3D import error loading UV's (r4325)
    • Fix X3D import for images (r4327)
    • Rigify fixes (r4321 r4334 r4335)


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Скачать портативную версию Blender 2.65a Final (36,73 МБ):

Bukkollaider 13/03/13 Просмотров: 5045