XMind 6 Pro 3.5.0

XMind — программное обеспечение для проведения мозговых штурмов и составления интеллект-карт, разрабатываемое компанией XMind Ltd, которое можно бесплатно скачать на cwer.ws. Эта программа помогает пользователю фиксировать свои идеи, организовывать их в различные диаграммы, использовать эти диаграммы совместно с другими пользователями. XMind поддерживает интеллект-карты, диаграммы Исикавы (также известные как fishbone-диаграммы или причинно-следственные диаграммы), древовидные диаграммы, логические диаграммы, таблицы. XMind часто используется для управления знаниями, на совещаниях, в управлении задачами и тайм-менеджменте. XMind совместима с FreeMind.

- Mind Mapping
- Fishbone Chart
- Matrix
- Local Network Sharing
- Brainstorming
- Mind Toolbox
- Drill Down
- Gantt View
- Works with Office/PDF

ОС: Windows XP/Vista/7/8.
Что нового в этой версии:
- All New Designed "Brainstorming Mode".
- Save to Evernote.
- Advanced Theme Editor.
- Index View.
- Export to Microsoft Project.
- Export to Open Office (ODF).
- More themes, styles and markers.
- Import & Export XRB/XMind Resource Bundle.
- Add permissions in Local Network Sharing.
- Reorganized and improved toolbar, customize toolbar position.
- On Mac, XMind embeds Java 7 and no need to manually install Java anymore.
- Integrate Style View into Properties View. Add "reset style" option.
- Reorganize View Menu, add a sub-menu instead of the Views Dialog.
- New style notification window.
- New Sheet From Template.
- An option to hide paid features from menu and toolbar.
- Add a new balanced map structure.
- Improved context menu.
- New color picker.
- Improved Export to Excel.
- Add 120% value between 100% and 150% when zoom in/out a map.
- Many other minor improvements.
Fixed Bugs
- On Windows (Portable version) and Ubuntu, the splash image won't disappear after XMind was successfully launched.
- When copy a link onto a topic in XMind, after export to PDF document, the link was failed to be opened.
- Part of task text was cut off in Gantt View.
- Fail to change the duration by dragging the task bar in Gantt View.
- The background color of a image/marker in a topic was covered in black or changed after exporting to PDF Map.
- The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + "+/-" can not be used to zoom in/out in Presentation Mode.
- In Task Info View, if the text content of a task is too long, all buttons on the right side will not be displayed until the text content is displayed in full.
- The internal web browser can not be used on Ubuntu.
- Fail to open attachment(s) after exporting to PDF Document.
- After exporting to Word, absolute link and relative link to file and folder are both failure; after exporting to HTML, only the relative link to file is failure.
- Fail to import MS Word files that contain Table(s).
- When main topic select a numbering style, the subtopic of floating topic can not select the same numbering style.
- The MindMapEditor is not dirty when editing notes in the floating notes editor, which causes that you will not be prompted to save the modified notes while directly closing XMind.
- Entering brainstorming mode while a topic is in edit mode will lead to mishandling of keyboard event.
- Relative hyperlink becomes absolute link in the exported PDF Document file.
- "Numbering Level Until" setting will be invalid after exporting to Word if the file has already included numbering.
- AutoNumbering was removed after exporting to Excel.
- The text's background of notes will be black after exporting to Word if the notes include bold font.
- The notes shows normally after importing a Mindmanager file into XMind. But after exporting from XMind to PDF Document and Word, the notes part will be filled in black.
- Part of contents was lost in XMind after importing from Word.
- On Windows, there may be a prompt to stall Bonjour service everytime while launching XMind.
- Many other minor bugs fixed.
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