Данные и диски

MyDefrag v.4.2.4

MyDefrag представляет собой дисковый дефрагментатор и оптимизатор для Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, 2008, а также Win7. Быстрый и нетребовательный к ресурсам, MyDefrag использует MS API, обладает несколькими стратегиями оптимизации и может дефрагментировать флоппи- и USB-диски, карты флэш-памяти и вообще все устройства, распознаваемые системой как диск.

Imagine a book split into several parts, some pages are over here, other pages in another room on another floor altogether. You will have to walk a lot when you need to read the book. It may sound silly, but this is exactly what happens to files on your harddisk. Defragmentation will put all the parts (fragments) back together, making your computer a lot faster.

Imagine a big library with lots of books, spread out all over the building and not sorted whatsoever. There is an index telling you exactly where every book is, but you will have to walk a lot when you need several books. This is exactly what happens on your harddisk, the files that belong to an application can be all over the place, anywhere on the harddisk. Optimization will bring all the files together in one place, leaving the rest of the harddisk empty, and will sort the files, for example alphabetically.


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serg_ko 28/10/09 Просмотров: 1282